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The internet has changed the way people work, play, and obtain information. Your business needs to be on the cutting edge of technology in order to keep up with the fast pace of what everyone else is doing. That means being aware of the high speed internet options that are available–and choosing the right one wisely. 

Two Major High Speed Internet Options

Your business is facing two major high speed internet options: 

  • A dedicated internet connection
  • A shared cable internet connection 

Most businesses have a shared cable internet. This means they have an internet service that’s shared among other users and can be accessed on different devices an internal networks. A shared internet connection means that all bandwidth is split among all users and devices. With many people connected at any given time, the bandwidth becomes stretched over all of them.

A dedicated internet connection is a connection that is dedicated to one user. Simple. There is no sharing bandwidth among users and devices; each user has their own portion of bandwidth dedicated solely to themselves.  This is one of the best high speed internet options for organizations with many users, cloud-based phones, or web-enabled devices.

The Difference Is Easy To See

Breaking down the differences in 6 major areas might make things a bit clearer when it comes to considering your high speed internet options. 

1) Speed. Dedicated bandwidth does not share with your neighbors; it ensures guaranteed speed. A shared connection ensures a downgraded connection during peak hours when neighbors are using it. 

2) Service. Dedicated providers guarantee quality and speed. There are no guarantees with a shared network.  

3) Reliability. If your business requires a static IP, dedicated connections are reliable and secure. Shared internet does not always offer static IPs, making them less reliable and secure. 

4) Reparability. If there is an interruption in service, a dedicated network team can get you up and running in minimal time. With cable sharing, there’s no time expectations for repairs. 

5) Clarity. With a dedicated connection, voice and video connections are crystal clear. Shared networks have steady voice and video traffic that can cause latency and jitters. 

6) Privacy. Connections are secure, and information stays private during information transfers. With a shared network, your information is sent over a public connection that makes it susceptible to attack. 

Your business is going to thrive, or not, based on the choices you make in providers. When high speed internet options include gigabit internet and voice bundles for urban business, the choice is clear. Stop sharing and get dedicated to your present and future success.