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San Antonio has become a hub for tech-centric businesses and their employees. And even those who don’t work for technology companies still end up relying on the tech that is central to their operations – the average San Antonio resident will use the internet on a constant basis throughout the day, after all.

That’s a key part of why making sure that residents in a property are able to access fast, reliable gigabit internet service. And while initially, the costs of these services were fairly high, they’ve dropped dramatically over the last few years. Today, it’s possible to get low-priced gigabit internet and enjoy everything that it offers.

Ensuring that tenants have fast gigabit internet means that you can attract new residents quickly, keep them in the property longer, and develop stronger word of mouth for your property. But it’s important to understand that you can lower costs even more for your property and your tenants. Jump Fiber offers a few ways to do just that.

  • Bundle – Bundling your gigabit internet with voice connections means that residents pay one basic bill. And that bill will have a reduced rate thanks to the bundle, making it easier to reduce costs while still getting the service that you need.
  • Community Rewards – Our community rewards programs means that property managers can introduce major cost savings to their tenants easily. Simply put, the more tenants in a building that use our gigabit internet, the lower the overall cost will be for them and the entire property.
  • Review Your Bill – Jump Fiber doesn’t hide fees or surcharges, but big Telco does. Review your existing bill and you may spot hidden extra charges you didn’t’ even know about. It’s a key reason that making the switch to us makes so much sense.

Tenants moving to San Antonio or within it will often review not only internet speed but internet costs at their potential new home. As such, it’s important to provide great gigabit internet service that they can rely on. However, it’s also vital to reduce costs as much as possible. With the right provider on your side, it’s easy to do both and give your tenants exactly what they need from their home internet.