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Telecommuting is on the rise in a big way. The number of people who work from home has increased by more than 115% over the last ten years, and roughly 3 percent of the entire US workforce now works from their home at least half of the time. That’s almost four million people, and the bottom line is that the rise of telecommuting means that people need reliable gigabit internet that they can trust. 

Just what do telecommuters need, exactly? There are a few key points that stand out, and that any gigabit internet provider will have to be able to deliver to them. Since these people are relying on their internet for their very livelihood, the following things are important:

  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Uptime
  • Ease of use
  • No drop in performance
  • Upload speeds that match download speeds
  • Affordability 

Simply put, today’s internet users must have internet that gives them the ability to work from home and accomplish everything that they need to do. So what does that mean for property managers and those in charge of providing solutions for internet connectivity to apartment buildings?

Here are a few things worth looking for when you start choosing which gigabit internet service is right for your property.

  • Dedicated Connections – Instead of having each tenant using the same connection, dedicated connections lets each person have their own internet. This means that when the neighbor is streaming video, nobody else’s internet is impacted. 
  • Symmetrical Speeds – Users should be able to upload and download at the same lightning-fast rate. Symmetrical speed plans allow that to happen. 
  • No Hidden Fees – Nobody likes hidden surcharges and extra fees, and the best gigabit internet service eliminates this. Big telecommunication companies are famous for tacking on extra charges, and it’s something no tenant wants to deal with. 
  • Community Rewards – Community rewards programs mean that the more tenants in a building using the internet, the lower the overall price is. This saves everyone money while still providing great internet service.

The technological age is here, and there’s never been a better time to focus on making sure that residents in an apartment building get the kind of gigabit internet connection that they deserve. The points above ensure that they do just that, and can keep on working from home the way they have become accustomed to.