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Technically speaking, you can live without running water in your home. You could get all the water you need from the store, or you could dig a well on your property. That’s how a lot of rural homes still get their water supply. And you can manage without gas or electricity if you have enough candles, lamps, batteries, and portable generators. Of course, you can say the same thing about home internet, but just like these other utilities an online connection has become essential to many homes in San Antonio and throughout the United States.

In fact, internet connections and electricity have a number of things in common. Early efforts to electrify every home and business had a lot of initial investment and a lot of growing pains as the technology developed and the amount of power a house could expect grew. So it’s no surprise that internet providers in San Antonio are still extending their cables to new neighborhoods while new providers enter the market with faster and more efficient connections.

Fiber-optic cable connections are only just starting to reach parts of San Antonio, but the buildings and neighborhoods that have access enjoy gigabit speeds with symmetrical upload and download speeds.  That’s good news considering the growing size of video files and how useful cloud storage and computing are. In fact, many new internet providers for San Antonio specialize in fiber connections.

JumpFiber is one such provider. For those within our service area, JumpFiber offers a range of lightning-fast speeds at reasonable prices that won’t catch you off guard with hidden fees and it doesn’t require a long-term commitment. A strong online connection has become essential to many households that work from home or use the internet to talk with their friends and families, and so JumpFiber is happy to be one of the internet providers in San Antonio offering people the next step in internet speeds.